How Secure Is Your Office?

Is your office vulnerable to common security risks? What can you do to curb your cyber vulnerability?

Click HERE to download an infographic with the following information on it.

Multifunctional Printers

  • Unclaimed documents left at the device can end up in the wrong hands
  • Outdated and unsecured MFPs can serve as a “secret” backdoor into your network
  • Hackers can steal printer logs with sensitive information or cause damage to a device
  • Files sent through a wireless connection to be printed can be intercepted

60% of businesses lose their data through printer security breaches!


  • Outdated firewall, antivirus, and operating systems widen your gap of vulnerability
  • Weak network traffic restrictions can lead to infections from corrupt emails and websites
  • Malicious software can take control of your computer and files not backed up can be lost

79% of companies could have prevented a breach with a software patch or configuration change.

IoT (Internet of Things) Devices

  • All internet connected devices represent a possible entryway into your network
  • IoT devices lacking the latest operating system updates are more vulnerable
  • Dead or unsupported apps can serve as a potential gateway to your network
  • Smartphones and tablets containing sensitive company data can be lost or stolen

90% of devices manufacturers did not feel confident their devices had adequate security precautions in place.


  • Global spending on security awareness training for employees is one of the fastest growing categories in cybersecurity
  • It only takes one click on the wrong email or website for a hacker to have access to your network
  • Downloading unverified software can infect your system

90% of successful hacks and data breaches stem from phishing scams


  1. Global Print Security Landscape 2019 by Quocirca
  2. IoT For All: Current State of IoT Cybersecurity By Kayla Matthews
  3. Voke Research Market Snapshot Report: Virtual & Cloud-based Labs
  4. 2019 Cybersecurity Almanac: 100 Facts, Figures, Predictions and Statistics by Cybersecurity Ventures


Click to access How-Secure-Is-Your-Office.pdf

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