How To Setup Sharp MX-C357F to Scan to Email with Gmail and Office365

  1. Open the web interface by typing the IP address of the printer into a web browser
  2. On the left menu, click Email then fill in your SMTP settings
      • for Gmail use, port 587, enter YOUR GMAIL ADDRESS as the reply address
      • For Office365 use, port 587, enter any email address from your domain as the reply address
    • For all servers requiring SSL, set the Use SSL/TLSĀ to Negotiate
    • Set SMTP server authentication to Login/Plain
    • Set Device-initiated email and User-Initiated Email to Use Device SMTP Credentials
    • Device Userid will be your email address used for authentication
    • Device Password will be the password for the email address used in the Device Userid
    • Click Save
  3. Click Address Book on the left menu, then click Add Contact
  4. Enter the name and email address as preferred, then click Save
  5. To scan from the panel, touch Easy Scan
  6. Touch Address Book
  7. Check the email addresses you want to scan to, then touch Add
  8. Touch Either the B&W or Color Start button in the bottom-right corner of the touch screen to begin the scan.

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